Belize’s Favorite Beers – A Fun Look at Beer Preferences

Beer is an integral part of social gatherings and relaxation in Belize. To understand the beer preferences of Belizeans, we conducted a survey asking, “Which is your go-to beer?” With 648 respondents, the results offer a fascinating glimpse into the beer landscape of Belize.

Survey Results:

  1. Belikin Regular (15.74%)

    • Leading the pack, Belikin Regular is the top choice for 15.74% of respondents. This comes as no surprise given its status as a flagship product of Belize Brewing Company Ltd.
  2. Belikin Stout (14.04%)

    • Close behind, Belikin Stout is favored by 14.04% of respondents. Its rich flavor has made it a staple for stout lovers in Belize.
  3. Lighthouse (8.49%)

    • Lighthouse, another popular product from Belize Brewing Company Ltd., is chosen by 8.49% of respondents, appreciated for its lighter, refreshing taste.
  4. Landshark (8.80%)

    • Landshark, with its tropical appeal, is preferred by 8.80% of respondents, making it a significant player in the beer market.
  5. Mine Beer (7.56%) and R&B Beer (6.79%)

    • These beers, produced by Caribbean International Brewery Ltd., are gaining traction, with Mine Beer at 7.56% and R&B Beer at 6.79%. Their growing popularity indicates a shift in preferences towards these newer brands.
  6. Other (13.27%)

    • Interestingly, the “Other” category is quite large at 13.27%. This could likely include imported contraband beers, as the survey included most popular beer brands available in Belize.


The dominance of Belikin Regular, Belikin Stout, and Lighthouse highlights the strong market presence of Belize Brewing Company Ltd. Their products are clearly the favorites among Belizeans. However, the rising popularity of Mine Beer and R&B Beer suggests that Caribbean International Brewery Ltd. is making significant inroads into the market.

The sizable “Other” category is intriguing and suggests a notable consumption of imported contraband beer. This is an area worth exploring further to understand the full range of beer preferences in Belize.


Belizeans have diverse tastes when it comes to their beer choices. While traditional favorites from Belize Brewing Company Ltd. continue to lead, new entrants like Mine Beer and R&B Beer are making their mark. The large “Other” category adds an element of mystery, hinting at the presence of unlisted, possibly imported, beer options.

Whether you’re a fan of the classic Belikin or exploring newer brews, the Belizean beer scene offers something for every palate. Cheers to discovering your favorite!

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Do you agree with the results? Which beer do you think deserves the top spot? Share your thoughts and let us know your favorite beer in the comments below!

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